New Delhi
New Delhi, Delhi 110001

Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results.
Reasons to Publish Your Research Paper in IJAET
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology (IJAET) ISSN 2231-1963
An open access scholarly, online, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bimonthly, and fully refereed journal IJAET with 1.96 GEI index factor
Research Paper Publishing - Submission Deadline
There is no specific deadline for paper submission. Because IJAET is a bi-monthly publication and if a submission doesn't fit in the current issue then it will be considered for the next issue.

Rapid publication
Quick submission system, electronic peer review and production make the process of publishing your article very simple and efficient.

Index Factors and Global education Index Ranking
All papers are published in printed form and on-line and are abstracted and indexed in many international databases.

Inclusion in all major bibliographic databases
IJAET is already included in major databases and we work to extend the coverage.

Quality and high standards of peer review
We have a high standard of peer review. A strong Editorial Board help us with policy and decision-making, and in some cases help with choosing referees and reviewing manuscripts.

High visibility and promotion of your articles
Open Access policy ensures high visibility and maximum exposure of your research work as anyone with online access can read your article. The printed version of the journal is distributed to university libraries all over the world. Articles published in IJAET are widely promoted through e-mail messages, table of contents, e-mail alerts, feeds, and press releases to the general and scientific press, resulting in an increasing level of visibility for each article.

E-mail: [email protected]

Added by Editor Ijaet on January 9, 2012