Fort Mason Center
San Francisco, California 94123

California Lawyers for the Arts presents:
License Your Music for Fun and Profit
w/ Jon L. Duman

7 to 8:30pm February 27th
@ the Fort Mason Center, Building C, rm. 265

Licensing opportunities of all types abound in today's music industry, providing creators with the ability to make money by "renting" out their music without giving up ownership rights. This workshop covers the basics of music licensing, including an overview of how licensing agreements are put together, as well as the range of new licensing prospects which have evolved in the last few years.

To register, call (415)775-7200 ext. 107 or email [email protected]

Workshop fees are $10 for members of C.L.A. or $20 for general admission

Official Website:

Added by calawyersforthearts on January 11, 2008