1015 Folsom Street
San Francisco, California 94103

Bump? Grind Club Dance Contest
in Ten15 Folsom

An invitation to all club-goers

Come, show off your most hot and heavy combo dance moves to win prizes in Bump? Grind. The most Sexy and Hyphee dancers will win an iPod nano, Tickets for Paul van Dyk Party and DVDs of your winning performances! Winners will be featured on our website.

Free Club Entry at 1015 Folsom, SF
Thursday May 11, 2006

Contest Starts: 9:30 pm (please arrive early to sign up at the door)

Party Starts at 8:00 pm

Enter Now by filling out the Comment form on www.bumpngrind.org

Official Website: http://bumpngrind.org

Added by Deer Fang on April 19, 2006



Wastered does not endorse this event. Wastered thinks this event is lame. Do not add events to the wastered group unless you know anything about the wastered group, which kidproto clearly does not.


I think wastered is lame. I posted it to your group so please don't take it out on the organizer.

This event is free, will be hyphee, will feature sexy action, and will have free performances by matmos, nate boyce and others


yeah, you posted it to every group on upcoming, spammer.

you remain a tool.


Justin, I did not post it to every group on upcoming.org, only the ones relevant.


Relevant? Hardly. "Bay Area Art and Literature Lectures" does not strike me as an interested party. With "12+ years of experience building communities and working within computing culture," I am frankly a little disappointed. Let's kill all these comments, because this is getting just plain stupid.