Xeequa Corp
Palo Alto, California 94301

Building Interactive Business Communities
Your ecosystem consisting of Customers, Alliances, Channels and Suppliers. They collectively determine your market leadership position - nobody else. It's time to invest in that community. Xeequa introduces a brand new social network based business community solution, from ground up developed for businesses.

Point That Matters
The ability to create and grow a trustful and loyal business community for a better business experience, resulting in more market acceptance and eventually market leadership.

- Leaders have better networks
- Social networks finally for corporations
- How to create a corporate business community?
- How to engage customers in the community?
- How to build alliances and partner networks?
- How to build groups and events mobilizing the community?
- How to conduct transactions over social network?
- Generate 100,000 new customers within one year!

Who should join?
Business executives from medium to large corporations who are interested in growing their business through customer advocacy and more partner loyalty.

Official Website: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/757899315

Added by Social Media Academy -maritar on February 25, 2008