550 Cumberland
Ottawa, Ontario

BSDCan, a BSD conference held in Ottawa, Canada, has quickly established itself as the technical conference for people working on and with 4.4BSD based operating systems and related projects. The organizers have found a fantastic formula that appeals to a wide range of people from extreme novices to advanced developers.

Official Website: http://www.bsdcan.org/2010/

Added by Ludovic Hirlimann on December 6, 2009



I'm not sure if signing up at the freebsd foundation as a volunteer ensure I'll be allowed to attend. I hope things go without a hitch because I've never been to anything like this before.

It would be nice to find a job but I'm not counting on that since I'm no professional I think. Maybe I'll meet some one who just wants to get started with Freebsd as a desktop and I'll be helpful.