143 N. La Brea Avenue
Hollywood, California

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If Lindsay Lohan and Lisa Loeb had a lovechild, she would look and sound just like Brittney Elizabeth. With performances everywhere from New York’s Carnegie Hall to the LA’s Knitting Factory, the singer-songwriter has been attracting fans of her own.

LA’s Music Connection praised her vocals saying, “The 19-year old singer from Arizona has a strong, appealing voice that sounds very commercial on thoughtful, and well-constructed tunes…”

The winner of the West Coast Songwriters “Best Song Award 2006” has been singing for 15 of her 19 years. The only intermission, since age four, came in early 2006 when Brittney developed a polyp on her vocal cord. It was surgically removed, but it meant that for three months she couldn’t even sing in the shower.

Never one to let anything stand in her way, Brittney is back on the road, with upcoming performances at LA’s hottest nightclubs and throughout her home state.
Between gigs Brittney attends junior college. The only class she’s liked so far is the “history of rock.” Look for her to make some musical history of her own.

Added by Malume Media on September 3, 2006

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