49 Cheltenham Place
Brighton, England BN1 4AB

Scientific Computing with Python

See http://brightonpy.org/meetings/2010-05-25/

Ian Ozsvald and John Montgomery

This meeting will consist of two talks, followed by discussion and beers!

Ian Ozsvald: Introduction to PyCUDA

"Using the 'mini-Cray supercomputer' that is your graphics card to do super-fast math in a few lines of Python"

About PyCUDA
PyCUDA gives you easy, Pythonic access to Nvidia‘s CUDA parallel computation API.

About Ian Ozsvald
Ian Ozsvald is an Artificial Intelligence researcher in industry, screencaster and author of The Screencasting Handbook, entrepreneurial geek, £5 App founder, ShowMeDoer.

John Montgomery: Tackling The Travelling Salesman Problem

"Using Python to explore different stochastic algorithms"

About the Travelling Saleman Problem
The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a problem in combinatorial optimization studied in operations research and theoretical computer science. Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find a shortest possible tour that visits each city exactly once.

About John Montgomery

John Montgomery is a software developer living in Brighton with experience in POP-11 (an AI teaching language), Prolog, Java, Javascript, Perl, C++, Visual Basic and Python. He is also a £5 App founder.

Added by j4mie on May 7, 2010