Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Breakthrough Secrets to Stamp Out Self Sabotage THIS Minute

You do secretly wonder if you are the one holding yourself back in business? Are you tired of struggling and ready to learn what you can do today to take your business to the next level? If so, join me, Desiree Stafford, host of the Business Experts Series for an interview with Shirley Billson, mindset and empowerment expert. Shirley is a hypnotherapist and transformational trainer helps women to achieve their own authentic success, in a way that is financially and emotionally rewarding, whatever the economy is doing and speaks regularly on the topic of passion and money. In our interview, Shirley Billson will share the secrets to ending self sabotage this minute, so that you can successful grow your business and make more money.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover:

•How to identify when you are sabotaging yourself from experiencing success
•Why logic isn’t always your friend in business
•A key secret to uncover hidden pockets of time, so that you can get more done each day
•What to change right now to stop self sabotage this minute
•How to turn your business around even if you’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed

Join us on Wednesday, April 3rd at 7pm EST! Register today at

Official Website:

Added by Desiree Stafford on March 27, 2013

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