101 Main Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

Get breakfast to get you started for the day, and meet with entrepreneurs about what they're working on.

We've been talking for a while about kick starting a series of informal breakfasts. Basically, add an extra hour or so at the beginning of your day to spend face to face with lots of your peers.

Oh, and bonus, we get to have breakfast so we can power through the rest of our day.

Official Website: http://blog.bootuplabs.com

Added by bmann on March 16, 2009



Mmm. I love booting up + breakfast. Probably won't be there until after 9 though.


First heads up for those that came to breakfast (or planned to come!) - Beers with Brad Feld on April 22nd: http://blog.bootuplabs.com/2009/03/24/beers-with-brad-feld-yvr-april-22/