6401 Bluebonnet Blvd
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70836

On Christmas eve, it is so foggy in the bayou that even Nicollette's magical glowing green eyes may not be enough to guide the other eight alligators who pull Papa Nol's boat through the river, but the clever Cajun people come up with a solution that saves the holiday for all the children throughout the South.

Around the world, Santa CLaus has many names. But in the deep, lush, swampy bayou of Louisana, he'l know as Papa Noel. In such a hot and humid place there can be no sleds or reindeer, so Papa Noes rides the river in a pirogue that's pulled by eight alligators.

A witty holiday tale, The Legend of Papa Noes is a lisson in quick thinking and a fun introduction to Cajun folklore.

Added by BordersBooksBR on October 1, 2008