6401 Bluebonnet Blvd
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70836

The Giraffe Sang the High Notes by Marcia G. Moser, illustrated by Laura L. Kogler, is a new children’s book that shows young people the many ways that music can be produced and enjoyed.

According to the author, music and art classes are often the first subjects to suffer from stringent budget cuts going on in education today. Now, with Moser’s The Giraffe Sang the High Notes, illustrated by Kogler, children have a new chance to learn about the joy of music, and they can even sing and play along as they read.

The Giraffe Sang the High Notes tells the story of a zoo orchestra. The animals get together and write a song and create a dance. As each animal contributes something to the concert, children will learn about the joy of collaboration and community, and how an orchestra takes shape. More importantly, through the eyes of the animals, they can discover just how much fun music can be.

Kogler’s intent was to create a story that parents, grandparents, music teachers and kids would love. She feels The Giraffe Sang the High Notes is a good way to bring music into children’s lives.

Added by BordersBooksBR on October 1, 2008