14651 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks, California 91403

Kris Carr empowers readers to move from a state of constant bodily damage control to one of renewal and repair. In addition to debunking common diet myths and sharing vital tips on detoxifying our bodies and psyches - advice that draws both on her personal experience as a cancer survivor and that of experts - she provides helpful hints on natural personal care, how to stretch a dollar, navigate the grocery store, eating well on the run, and working through the inevitable pangs and cravings.

Website: http://crazysexylife.com/

Official Website: http://www.borders.com/online/store/EventView?city=&state=&zipCode=&within=&all_stores=&selectedStoreId=10844&eventId=357790&

Added by Borders Sherman Oaks on December 30, 2010