60 Rausch Street., #102
San Francisco, California 94103

Seven years of business is something like 12,000 hours of work so now it's time for a little music and drinking and snacking. Come help us thank YOU for your support and general good-natured friendliness towards bolt | peters by partying with us. There will be booze, tasty, tasty treats, and a live performance by a local soul quartet that is the bomb.

Official Website: http://boltpeters.com

Added by boltron on January 8, 2009



Thanks for the invite (and happy 7th birthday---that's huge!). Sadly I won't be in town :(


i´m IN!!! fun! what kind of pizzaz can i bring for the festivities??? love the embroidery!


whoot! i'm in!


¡Feliz cumpleaños! Looking forward to seeing the BPE band play live - with Nate on the drums!!