425 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN, Minnesota 55455

John Harley Warner is a professor of History and the Avalon Professor and Chair of the History of Medicine at Yale University. His research interests include the cultural and social history of medicine in 19th and 20th century America, and medical cultures since the late 18th century. He is especially interested in clinical practice, orthodox and alternative healing, the multiple meanings of scientific medicine, and the interactions among identity, narrative, and aesthetics in the grounding of modern medicine. Among other works, Warner is the author of "Medicine, Media, and the Dramaturgy of Biomedical Research: Historical Perspectives" (forthcoming), and the editor (with Frank Huisman) of Locating Medical History: The Stories and Their Meanings (2006). His current research includes looking at dissection-room photographic portraiture, medical student identity, and professional formation in the United States.

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Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on August 11, 2009