2727 South 12th Street (Soulard)
St. Louis, Missouri 63118

Mad Art Gallery presents the Big Ass Indie Art and Craft Show, your alternative to the alternative holiday craft shows. The STL Craft Mafia will be helping organize and plan this alternative art & craft extravaganza with Mad Art Gallery.
This show offers three days of shopping (December 5, 6, 7) in St. Louis' most spectacular and well-known venue for art exhibitions and unique events. Our show focuses on presenting original art and hand-made crafts of the highest quality. Expect the unexpected with the most unique and high-quality indie art this holiday season.
For details and online applications, please visit:
Mad Art Gallery
2727 S. 12th Street,
St. Louis, MO 63118

Official Website: http://ww.madart.com

Added by jane linders on October 14, 2008


jane linders

Mad Art Gallery presents the Big Ass Indie Art and Craft Show, your alternative to the alternative holiday craft shows. The STL Craft Mafia will be helping organize and plan this alternative art & craft extravaganza with Mad Art Gallery.
This show offers three days of shopping (December 5, 6, 7) in St. Louis' most spectacular and well-known venue for art exhibitions and unique events. Our show focuses on presenting original art and hand-made crafts of the highest quality. Expect the unexpected with the most unique and high-quality indie art this holiday season.
For details and online applications, please visit:
Mad Art Gallery
2727 S. 12th Street,
St. Louis, MO 63118