55 Community Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403
South Burlington, Vermont

Alan Robinson has advised companies all over the world on how to improve their creative performance. His work is based on research that he has done with companies all over the world. His 2004 book, Ideas are Free, is required reading for GE supervisors. Another book, Corporate Creativity: How Innovation and Improvement Actually Happen, has been translated into 13 languages. He is currently on the faculty of the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, and he has served on the Board of Examiners of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. He has spoken in Vermont several times and has received rave reviews. The workshop promises to be full of practical ideas you will be able to use immediately. You can attend either in person or by video conference.

Official Website: http://vbsr.org/index.php/pages/event_detail/frank_sadowski/

Added by Common Good Vermont on January 17, 2011