2301 E.M. Franklin Rd
Austin, Texas 78723

Edward "Big Ed" Limon Jr.
Benefit Dance with Los Texas Wranglers
Big Ed has stomach cancer we Los Texas Wranglers are putting this dance together to help out with his expense and lost wages from time off of work. His family will be having dinner during the dance the meal will be $5.00 donation. Cash Raffles, Bottle Raffles and other fun stuff.
Please come by and support, help a great person and my cousin out. Limon's Motto "Siempre Unidos" come and united with our family.
P.S. The Dallas Cowboys game will start at 8:20pm you can stay and watch the game with friends and family.

Official Website: http://iconjunto.com

Added by Los Texas Wranglers on October 26, 2009