3175 17th Street (at South Van Ness)
San Francisco, California 94110

"Celebrate good times, come on! It's a celebration..."

JOIN US on Friday MARCH 6th at Root Division (3175 17th Street (between South Van Ness & Shotwell) to celebrate a night of music, visual arts, and all things related to "greening nonprofits"!

ARTFUL CHANGE, our host, brings together great local artists and bands to enrich and stimulate the community towards social change. 100% of the proceeds goes towards the featured local environmental nonprofit: CONNECT THE DOTS!

Come learn about our work to lower the environmental impact of nonprofit organizations as they deliver their social missions.

Do good without doing harm.

ENTRANCE: $5 (only!)
5:30-7:30pm - HAPPY HOUR I: Swing by for drinks and lite snacks while enjoying the visual arts.
7:30pm-onward - HAPPY HOUR II: The bands start rocking!

No worries, drinks are available for both phases.

Specific bands and artists coming soon.

The more, the merrier! Spread the word on

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=56257222065
Evite! - http://www.evite.com/pages/invite/viewInvite.jsp?inviteId=CVBNCTACULOCQGWSHHPD


Added by Connect the Dots...greening nonp on February 23, 2009