928 SE 9th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214

There are many reasons to optimize your blog and make it load as fast as possible. You'll use less bandwidth, save money, and make your readers happier.

But there is yet another reason to make sure you site loads as fast as possible. It is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce the energy your site uses. Unfortunately, most web sites don't do the basic things that would make them run faster and use fewer resources.

So this week at Beer and Blog we'll shave seconds off an example blog using simple techniques and do our little part to make our blogs greener.

Official Website: http://www.beerandblog.com/

Added by metafluence on June 4, 2008



How to make your blog more green... now that's a Portland topic if ever there was one...


@aaronhockley Drinking organic microbrews while learning how to make your blog more green ;)


@socialmonks will be at GreenDragon post Greeenbeerandblog. Could this Friday get any better?
