9717 Revere Ln
Maple Grove, MN, Minnesota 55369

Have we got a treat for those of you who like a little BBQ and Blues! This Sunday from 6-8pm, at the underGROUND MusiCafe, we have The Roger Anderson trio playing some blues and folk. We also have another folk artist lined for you. And of course, what goes better with Blues than a little (or a lot) of BBQ. We'll have some BBQ meatballs, cornbread and all the fixin's.

We'll still have a full espresso bar setup for all your caffienation and dessert needs. And, in case you weren't aware, we also now serve IBC bottled rootbeer.

There is not a cover charge. Dinner is free to all. Find out more online at www.undergroundmusiccafe.com. See you there this weekend.

Official Website: http://www.undergroundmusiccafe.com

Added by UnderGROUND on June 15, 2006

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