3303 Richmond Ave
Houston, Texas 77098

Escape the apex of the summer´s heat into a cold, dark den with all your BCO friends and lots of AC! Join BCO at Velvet Melvin in their laid back no-frills interior. There´s also a patio if you dare. Enjoy some great bar food and cold drinks as we chill away.

So come alone, bring some friends, come early and stay late or just drop in for a few minutes - but whatever you do - come!

6:30 - 9:00PM. Velvet Melvin, 3303 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77098.
For more information or to RSVP call 713 524 3567 or http://www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Official Website: http://www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Added by eventscafe22 on June 19, 2011

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