4800 Schurmier
Houston, Texas 77048

If a full moon, a lake full of kayaks, a ball and a bunch of crazy paddlers with no rules sounds like fun to you, don’t miss the First Annual Bayou City Outdoors Full Moon Kayak Polo Night!

Haven’t played kayak polo with BCO before? Well, we break into 2 teams, throw up a couple of goals, and chase the ball around. We don’t have rules and never keep score. But we do have a blast! I guess there is one rule: PFD’s and helmets are required. You do need to know how to roll or how to wet exit.

If you’re a new paddler, please let us know. We will take it easy on newbies – no holds barred for paddlers who can roll. If you want to arrive a little early, you can work with someone on your roll.

Entrance fee to 288 Lakes is $10. You will need your own boat. If you are a BCO Member, we may have some loaners. Most people are paddling small, plastic whitewater boats. You really don’t want to bring a pristine boat – we play rough. That’s what makes it fun!

We will have a goal keeper to keep us out of line ... Feel free to come early but the "official start time" (as official as we get) is 8:30 and we will play until 10:30p or we are just too tired to play anymore!

For more information or to RSVP 713 524 3567 or www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Official Website: http://www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Added by eventscafe22 on June 19, 2011

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