701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California CA

Please note, all BayLISA events are free and open for anyone interested (up to the number of people we can handle in the rooms :)

October's event will be focusing on 2 topics:
Zimbra Architecture for Large Scale Deployments: Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) is used by customers ranging in size from Digg to Red Hat to Stanford University to Comcast Cable; in this presentation, a Zimbra engineer will discuss how ZCS has been designed to handle deployments from dozens of users on a single server, through several millions of users distributed across hundreds of servers. Presenting will be Boris Burtin, Zimbra senior server engineer, with an introduction provided by Ramesh May, Zimbra product management.

We will also cover some of the new Zimbra pieces.. what's changed since becoming part of the Yahoo family, open source vs commercial versions, and how to really personalize your Zimbra experience through Zimlets.

One way to put it is that there are many user groups, but we are the sysadmins group. BayLISA includes system and network administrators across a range of skill levels. BayLISA meets to discuss topics of interest to administrators and managers. The meetings are free and open to the public.

BayLISA grew out of an after-hours discussion among attendees of the USENIX LISA IV conference. The idea was to provide a forum for Sysadmin professionals in the San Francisco Bay area to get together and exchange ideas, hear speakers address topics of interest and most importantly, socialize.

Official Website: http://www.baylisa.org

Added by Jennifer B Davis on September 1, 2008