624 Brush St.
Detroit, Michigan 48226

Battling Siki is: Matt Hatch - bass, Eddie Baranek - guitar, Dave Knepp - drums, Dale Wilson - guitar and Scott Harrison - vocals/guitar
When: Friday, April 18th 2007
Where: 313.JAC
Upstairs at Jacoby's in Greektown
624 Brush (around corner from St. Andrew's Hall)
Detroit, MI 48226
Headliner down:
Battling Siki www.myspace.com/battlingsiki
Dead Letters www.myspace.com/detroitdeadletters
The Cetan Clawson Revolution www.myspace.com/thecetanclawsonrevolution

Cost & Time:
$5 Cover +21
Shows start at 10:00pm

Added by battlingsiki on May 9, 2007

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