215 Starling Avenue
Martinsville, Virginia 24112

October 11, 2010, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
October 12, 2010, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

This class is directed to beginning and intermediate painters although it is open to anyone at all skill levels. There have been well established painters who have taken this workshop and testified that they gained much from the experience.

The objective of this class is to equip the student with the skills necessary to paint any subject on their own whenever they wish. There is no better way to learn how to paint than by painting from life — whether still life, portrait, or landscape. Students will be amazed as their eyes are opened to the visual truth that is always around them. Furthermore, they find even greater satisfaction once they themselves actually match those colors from a simple and limited palette. Once these elements of painting are grasped, any subject can be rendered.

Principles of light, shadow, edges and value will be emphasized along with the main focus of this class which is color — how to see it and mix it. Students will paint their own color chart and by the end of the course will be painting a simple still life on their own with critique from the instructor as needed.

See the link below of a list of recommended supplies.

To register call 276.632.3221.

Official Website: http://piedmontarts.org/calendar.cfm?page=event&daterequest=10/11/2010

Added by Piedmont Arts on June 16, 2010

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