1300 Biscayne Blvd
Miami, Florida

BarCampMiami is a free conference on innovation in South Florida. All are welcome to attend and everyone's invited to present.

Over 250 people have signed up to BarCampMiami and we will accomodate more than 50 presentations. If you're attending, here's an update (see also the blog http://barcampmiami.org):

* The event will be held from 3pm to 8pm on Thursday, February 28th at the Knight Concert Hall;

* A complete list of participants and presentations can be found at the registration page, at http://barcampmiami.eventbrite.com;

* The first 100 people will get a free BarCampMiami tshirt;

* Please note that there will be no food offered, so plan in advance. There will be soft drinks and refreshments;

* We have been promised wi-fi; if you plan on presenting, please have a PowerPoint backup in case the wi-fi doesn't work;

* BarCamp will be held in some open spaces at the Knight Concert Hall; at 5:30pm, we will move into the rooms that FOWA used for the day's workshops;

* We will be twittering during the event, you may add us @BarCampMiami;

Afterwards, Nokia S60 is hosting a party where they will raffle off an N95. For more details, see their site to RSVP: http://www.s60.com/miami

BarCampMiami is made possible by the generous contribution of the following sponsors:

Freshbooks http://www.freshbooks.com/
Clearspring http://www.clearspring.com/
Less Everything http://www.lesseverything.com
Voodoovox http://voodoovox.com/
Nokia S60 http://www.s60.com/miami
Global Roaming http://www.celtrek.com
The Boaters http://www.theboaters.com
DC Media Graphics http://www.dcmediagraphics.com
ServerGrove Networks http://www.servergrove.com
Scrapblog http://www.scrapblog.com
infinimedia http://www.infinimedia.com
Todobebe.com http://todobebe.com/
Hyku http://www.hyku.com
Myxer http://www.myxertones.com
RailsEnvy http://www.railsenvy.com
FunAdvice http://www.funadvice.com

Please note that ServerGrove Networks is offering $60 off hosting to interested participants.

FOWA: futureofwebapps.com
RefreshMiami: refreshmiami.org

Official Website: http://barcamp.org/BarCampMiami

Added by adecarvalho on November 6, 2007