3025 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Advance: $15 + $4 processing fee
Day of Show: $17 + $4 processing fee

Save money! Processing fee is only $1 when you purchase with CASH at the box office BEFORE day of show!

Balkan Beat Box are Tamir Muskat and Ori Kaplan, who have been active for a decade in NYC's premier underground bands like Firewater and Gogol Bordello and DJ'ing around the world. They formed BBB as a natural reaction of musicians who wanted to erase political borders, to create a new musical breed that takes just people and culture in their extended roots across the Mediterranean region. From this they have created a semi-circus event lasting 2-3 hours, involving many disciplines with a core band of 7-8 musicians and local artists that keep the audience guessing as to what will come next.

Also Performing:
March Fourth Marching Band

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of worldcafelive2.

Added by worldcafelive3 on September 14, 2007