189 W Athens St
Winder, Georgia 30680

"One of the more impressive acts we were able to catch at Eco-Music-Fest 2008 was the Avery Dylan Project from Athens, GA. Joined by bassist Clint Swords and drummer Mike Strickland, Avery Dylan, as one of the fellows in the crowd told me "isn't Stevie Ray Vaughan-nobody is...but he's as close as you are going to find playing around here on a regular basis". Dylan has a style of his own but you can definitely see the SRV/Blues influence in his playing.
The ADP mixed some nice original songs in with some covers of blues legends like Albert Collins during their set at the Eco-Fest. The most telling indicator of the band's quality was the number of other musicians at the show who stopped what they were doing to come over and watch them play. The ADP has dates in Florida, Macon, Athens and metro Atlanta coming up in June. Let's hope we can get them back up in the mountains real soon."
By: MountainFreak.net
"The Avery Dylan Project, out of Athens and led by front man Dylan, the Avery Dylan Project has been putting out Southern blues for the better part of 10 years. Theirs is a mellow and intoxicating mix of Stevie Ray Vaughn and Robbie Robertson- around the time of the "Storyville" album era. You'll either be soaking in the cool atmosphere thrown off by Dylan's playing, frequently on the back of his head, or stomping your boots and shaking your own project."
By: The Telegraph in Macon, Ga

Added by Avery Dylan Project on April 22, 2011