801 South College Ave
Newark, Delaware 19713

MATILDA'S (the only authentic Australian Restaurant in the area) is celebrating Australia Day! On January 26 in 1788 the first fleet of ships arrived in Sydney Cove. Today, Australians celebrate the richness and diversity of their culture and land on this date(somewhat like America's 4th of July). MATILDA'S Pub and Barbie is celebrating this great country on Sunday, January 25th with an Authentic Aussie Buffet and great drink specials. So, if you've never been to the Land Down Under, come check it out. If you have, enjoy a re-visit! G'Day Mate! Hope to see you there...

Matilda's is located just off I-95 at exit 1B
801 South College Ave, Newark, DE 19713
Phone- 302-737-4800

Official Website: http://www.matildaspubandbarbie.com

Added by waltzingmatilda on January 12, 2009

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