40356 Oak Park # G
Oakhurst, California 93644

Open Auditions
Show Your Talent
Actors - Models -Musicians - Entertainters
(All ages and specific Talent welcome)
Feburary 7, 2009
11 A.M - 7 P.M.
Oakhurst - California
40356 Oak Park Way # G
Located off Hwy 49 one street past Big o Tires at
Velocity Dance Studio

Open Auditions
This is the time to get into open auditions and push your career further in the direction that you want to go. What's that you say? Open auditions aren't for real actors? Think again. Open auditions can get you the opportunity of a lifetime when you least expect it. Many now very famous actresses and actors had their careers made by attending open auditions and believing that they had a chance if they gave it their all.

You can find out about open auditions in a variety of ways. The main reason you want to stay abreast of this type of information is that often times there are open auditions for movies and shows where the producers or casting directors aren't exactly sure of what they want or which parts they are going to cast. This means that you have a chance of literally being picked out of a crowd to read for a certain part.

Look for open auditions anywhere where acting happens, or is taught. Look for them using new services online that bring you and casting agents together for the mutual benefit of all. Open auditions are fun and educational if you really want to act, model or show your talents this is your opportunity!!!

Official Website: http://greatentertainmentusa.com