1575 Westwood Blvd. # 303
Los Angeles, California 90024

"If You Don’t Have a Waiting List of High Paying Clients, Chances are You’re Missing Some of the Most Important Client Attracting Elements in Your Business..."

Many Holistic Practitioners and Coaches are great at what they do, but struggle to attract as many clients as they need. Even though you may have gotten the right training that allows you to support people in healing and moving forward in their lives, you also need the right training to succeed in marketing your business using heart-based principles.


Join 6-Figure Coach, Amy Cheryl, LIVE on November 12th at Wheel of Wellbeing and you will discover:

* How to Move Beyond Negative Beliefs that Get in the Way of Growing Your Business

* The 3 Biggest Mistakes Most Coaches and Holistic Practitioners Make That Repel Clients(and What to Do Instead)

* How to Talk about What You Do in a Compelling Way so Potential Clients Can’t Wait to Hear More
If you’re a member of the Rejuvenate Community or the Client Attraction Network, this special session is for you only. And if you're not, don't worry...come to the event anyway and you'll get the opportunity to come to Session 2 for free.

This Session Includes:
* Small group masterminding to catapult your business with new ideas, fresh contacts and group coaching to get past whatever blocks you’re having and into inspired action
* Speed networking to get you the contacts and referrals you need to get more clients and strategic alliances, as well as resources to complete projects that have been stalled
* Valuable client attraction and Heartselling™ tips to increase your impact and client conversion
* Open networking to spend time with your conscious community and business friends


When: Monday, November 12, 2012
Time: 6:15- 9:45pm
Where: Wheel of Wellbeing
1575 Westwood Blvd, 3rd Floor, Suite #303
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: (310) 477-8833
Code to Enter Building: 8855


Main Intersection: Santa Monica Blvd.
Cross Streets: Ohio and Massachusetts
Building Description: Large, grey 3 story building directly across from the Chase Bank building.
Name on Building: “The Law Offices of Daniel and Associates"

Garage Parking
At the venue, there is a 2 level Parking Garage that you can ENTER until 6pm. You can EXIT anytime. $5 flat rate

Street Parking
Across the street from the venue, there is Meetup parking that is 2 hour parking until 6pm, after 6pm, parking time is unlimited. Street parking is free after 8pm.
***To Save Your Seat RSVP to This Event***

6:15-6:45pm — Check-in and Open Networking
6:45-8:15pm — Session 1: “Attract Clients without Struggle” FREE Workshop
8:15-9:45pm — Session 2: Client Attraction Network Mastermind and Networking Session (for CAN Members only***)

***The Mastermind and Networking Session is only for members of the Client Attraction Network/Rejuvenate Community—but don’t worry, if you’re not yet a member, you’ll get an opportunity to become a member for FREE during the event.***
***To Save Your Seat RSVP to This Event***

Official Website: http://www.clientattractionnetwork.com/

Added by micjoyce on October 23, 2012

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