4 Barrell Court
Concord, New Hampshire

How to Think About Joining Forces While Avoiding the Pitfalls

Partnerships and Mergers – these are both topics that are widely touted as “solutions” to a variety of challenges facing nonprofits today. In some cases, that can be true – and in others, the “solutions” can be worse than the problems they were trying to address.

Our workshop panel, all professionals with a variety of experiences and expertise with this subject, will help you to focus on what you need to think about as you consider exploring some sort of partnership relationship or a more formal merger for your organization.

Caroline Boyd - Animal Rescue League of NH
Todd Fahey - Orr & Reno, P.A.
Terry Knowles - NH Attorney General’s Office, Charitable Trusts Divisio

Official Website: http://www.nhnonprofits.org/trainingdetails.cfm?ID=663

Added by Common Good Vermont on June 1, 2010