2368 Walsh Ave
Santa Clara, California 95051

Meditation is the state when the mind settles and is calm.
When the mind settles, we relax, our body relaxes and we are in a very peaceful space.
It is sheer Bliss ...

Do you think that meditation is deep concentration? Then you’re in for a surprise! Meditation is de-concentration, letting go...
To meditate,
Let go of anger and events from the past
Let go of desires and planning for the future

Meditation is accepting this moment, and living every moment totally.
Are you curious to know the steps/actions - that lead to meditation?
Good news is that, you need not do anything – meditation is not an act - Meditation happens with effortlessness

Do you know we could even smile when we meditate?
There are numerous meditation techniques that exist in the world, The Art of Living offers a course which teaches one how to meditate with complete ease, in just 20 minutes, one can sink into deep meditation. ‘An easy and effortless way to reach the highest state of meditation’. Once learnt, it can be used anywhere, while sitting at home or travelling on train or airplane.
Come and see for yourself what this is all about!!
No prior experience required.
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Added by jpbarbhaiya on May 12, 2011