31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Art exhibit: Latino Art Beat 2008
Exposición de arte: Latino Art Beat 2008
November 7, 2008, through December 9, 2009
Instituto Cervantes Gallery
Opening reception: Friday, November 7, at 6pm
Free Admission

Latino Art Beat is a Chicago-based not-for-profit arts organization that awards scholarships to high school students through its art competitions. Latino Art Beat’s motto is ''Celebramos la Juventud, el Arte y la Cultura Hispana'' (We Celebrate Youth, Art and Hispanic Heritage and Culture). The winning artwork is displayed at various gallery shows during the winning year to profile the aspiring young artists’ talents.

Latino Art Beat, es una organización sin ánimo de lucro ubicada en Chicago, que otorga becas a estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias a través de sus competiciones de arte. El lema de Latino Art Beat es "Celebramos la Juventud, el Arte y la Cultura Hispana". Las obras de los ganadores son exhibidas en galerías diversas durante el año ganador destacando los talentos de los jóvenes aspirantes a artistas.

Official Website: http://chicago.cervantes.es

Added by acover on October 29, 2008

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