Hope St, Liverpool, L1 9BP
Liverpool, England

Best known for his starring roles in the sitcoms, Father Ted (for which he won a British Comedy Award and a BAFTA nomination) and My Hero Ardal O'Hanlon makes his Liverpool Philharmonic debut with his brand new stand-up show. The style is observational, the subject matter is Life itself, and the default expression is one of utter disbelief!

Lurking beneath this brilliant performer’s mild-mannered demeanour resides a sharp and probing (and fairly mild-mannered) comic brain. Sometimes thoughtful, sometimes silly, but always punchy, he has tickled audiences all over the world. In a comprehensive set, he’ll talk about not just the things that matter but also about the things that don’t matter at all. Which covers pretty much everything.

‘Charm, intelligence and fabulous phrase-making’
The Guardian

‘He flutters through a variety of topics with a poet’s eye for inconsequential detail’
The Telegraph

Official Website: http://crd.fm/2Fx

Added by Liverpool Philharmonic on January 18, 2013