1627 K Street,Suite 900,NW,
Washington, District of Columbia 20006


Contact:202-429-9700 / [email protected]

(3 day class) 10/18-20(Mon-Wed)


The Programming in Objective-C-2.0 Workshop is designed for beginner programmers, or those who are new to the Objective-C programming language.

The workshop will get you up to speed on the tools and techniques of programming. Students will learn the fundamentals of ANSI C and Objective-C and get a solid background and foundation for learning iPhone and iPad development. The workshop is taught in our state-of-the-art Apple Certified facilities and you can use our state-of-the-art computers or bring your own MacBook or MacBook Pro if you prefer.


This workshop is fast-paced and intensive and designed to get you working efficiently and creatively in Objective-C. We have designed the workshop as an effective combination between instructor-led demonstrations and supervised working lab where our practice exercises are designed to reinforce key concepts taught to help you gain proficiency fast. Students - you'll receive an introduction to fundamentals of ANSI C programming, as well as object-oriented programming with Objective-C classes, objects, methods, messages, instance variables, and more. Our instructor will also teach students a more in-depth understanding of how Objective-C actually works to help you when you are trying to learn a new feature of Objective-C, or resolve a problem in the debugger.

The Programming in Objective-C-2.0 Workshop is a great preparation to our five-day iPhone Applications Development with the SDK 4.0 Workshop.

Workshops Pre-requisites

* Students must have some programming experience.
* Understanding of object-oriented languages such as C++, Java or C# is a great plus
* Mastery of Objective-C is not required and will be taught in depth in the course
* Students must have their own iPhone OS-based device (an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is recommended)

Overview of Workshop Agenda:
# Learn the fundamentals of ANSI C programming and the standard C libraries
# Get a solid understanding of C functions and data structures
# Learn to create and use Objective-C objects and classes
# Understand dynamic binding and the Objective-C runtime
# Become familiar with the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
# Become familiar with Foundation framework classes and APIs

# Understand principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): classes, objects, instances, and methods
# Write and debug programs in Objective-C using Xcode
# Understand data types and how to write expressions
# Use basic control constructs for looping and making decisions
# Define classes and write instance and class methods
# Use properties, synthesized accessor methods, and the dot operator
# Pass and return objects to methods
# Understand the self and super keywords and their use
# Understand inheritance
# Learn more about variables and scope
# Write initialization methods
# Learn how to add a category to a class
# Learn about protocols and conformance
# Take advantage of polymorphism and dynamic typing
# Work with the preprocessor
# Understand underlying C language features such as arrays, functions, structures, and pointers
# Use enumerated data types and typedef
# Use the basic Foundation classes to work with numbers and strings
# Work with Foundation collections: arrays, dictionaries, and sets in your program
# Use fast enumeration on collections
# Copy and archive objects
# Manage memory, understand retain counts, and use the autorelease pool to avoid memory leaks
# Introduction to the iPhone SDK
# Develop your first iPhone application using the iPhone simulator
# Understand IBOutlet and IBAction and use Interface Builder to design a UI and make the connections
# Use what you've learned to write an iPhone fraction calculator application

Added by fmctraining on August 31, 2010

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