315 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

This lecture develops a cosmopolitics sustained by an antihumanist perspective. Ecological disasters are not due to anthropocentrism, but rather to anthropo-indemnification. Our main question will be: how to get rid of processes of immunization that are destroying life?

Frédéric Neyrat is a philosopher, a former Director at the College International de Philosophie in Paris, and a member of the Editorial Board of the influential interdisciplinary French journal, Multitudes. During 2008-09 he was in residence at the Society for the Humanities, Cornell University. He has published books on political imaginary (Fantasme de la communauté absolue, 2002) ; the function of the images (L'image hors-l'image, 2003); globalization and the postmodern condition (Surexposés, 2005) ; Heidegger (L'indemne. Heidegger et la destruction du monde, 2008); and the relations between eco-politics, immuno-politics and bio-politics (Biopolitique des catastrophes, 2008).

Official Website: http://www.ias.umn.edu/thursdayscals11.php

Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on January 23, 2011