2025 Kehoe Avenue
San Mateo, California 94403

"This family classic relives the poignant and funny story of Anne Shirley, the spunky, red-headed orphan who comes to Prince Edward Island hoping to find a happy home.

Freckled-faced Anne arrives at the Bright River Railway Station full of hope for a new life at the home of brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. She is devastated when she discovers that the elderly couple was expecting a boy and ecstatic when they decide to keep her! With her fiery temper, passion for melodrama and romance, and penchant for misadventures, Anne brings laughter, love and more than a little consternation to the village of Avonlea.”

The cast is mostly kids with a few adults thrown in for good measure. The shows are well done and fun to watch – especially with your kids!

When: May 1-10 (weekends)
Where: Bayside Performing Arts Center in San Mateo
Tickets: $16 for adults, $10 for kids. Call 650-992-7433

Added by usahvmurphy on May 5, 2009

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