22 Market Space
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

On May 31st, Lindy Promotions and Miller Lite will be taking over downtown Annapolis for the 2nd Annual Tavern Tour. Register from 1-6pm at the Federal House and then roam the streets getting great drink specials at 8 of your favorite bars from 1-9pm. Visit at least 6 of the bars and you will be eligible for great prizes at the after party. Attend the official after party at Slyfox Pub from 9-close, hosted by Annapolis's top radio station, RNR. Tickets are $7 w/ two cans of food benefitting Anne Arundel Food Bank, or $10 without. Buy discounted tickets in advance at www.lindypromo.com.

Official Website: http://www.lindypromo.com

Added by lindypromo on May 13, 2008

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