Haussteinstraße 4/2
Vienna, Vienna 1020

Zeit: Mittwoch, 15. September 2010, 19:00
Vortragender: Dr. Simon Coupland, Centre for Computational Intelligence, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Sprache: Englisch
Eintritt: Frei

There has recently been a significant increase in the level of interest in the field of type-2 fuzzy sets and systems. Type-2 fuzzy systems offer the ability to model and reason with uncertain concepts. When faced with uncertainties type-2 fuzzy systems should, theoretically, give an increase in performance over type-1 fuzzy systems. Historically, type-2 systems have been restricted by the burden of heavy computation. Recent developments have overcome these issues making this paradigm suitable for application to many problems where uncertainty is a significant issue. This talk will present a beginners guide to type-2 systems covering:
- Basic concepts and operations – set models, set membership and inference.
- Successful applications – robot control and signal processing.
- Recent breakthroughs – theoretical models and hardware implementations.
- Future directions for the field.

Added by innoc on September 1, 2010

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