625 West San Antonio Street
Lockhart, Texas 78644

Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library in Lockhart hold an annual fundraiser called "Evening With the Authors". We invite 8 authors to join guests for wine, buffet and socializing—no speeches or presentations. Barnes and Noble Bookstore (Jo Virgil at the Capital of Texas bookstore) brings books by the authors, and part of the proceeds from their sales come back to our organization. We sell tickets: last year we had over 200 people come, and sold over $3,000 in books. For our little town, best known for cowboy hats and BBQ, this is a big event!

The date is Saturday, October 6. The time: 6 to 9 P.M.. The event is held in the lovely garden of Dr. Rebecca Hawener, former County Judge of Caldwell County. The garden is lovely enough--but as dark comes, thousands of twinkle lights make it a fairyland.

Each author has a table for autographing their books. The Texas Book Festival has made us one of their "On The Road" sponsored events, and features us on their website. We do not offer honorariums or expenses, only publicity.

The Dr. Eugene Clark Library is the oldest library in Texas being used continuously as a public library. It was built in 1898, and has been the center of community activities from then until now. Proceeds from our event go for children's programming: the summer reading program, story hours, A Dickens' Christmas in Lockhart the first Saturday in December, books, computer education and tutoring.

Tickets are $25. Please reserve tickets by calling 512-398-9707 or by email: eveningwithauthors(at)austin.rr.com. You may also download a form at http://www.clarklibraryfriends.com/contribute.pdf and send along with a check for $25 made to "Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library" to Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library, P.O. Box 821 Lockhart, Tx 78644.

Official Website: http://www.clarklibraryfriends.com

Added by Clark Libary Friends on September 5, 2007