755 12th Street, NW
Washington, DC, District of Columbia

Visual Editors CEO, Robb Montgomery, will present

Visual Journalism: The Alternative to Narrative at the American Society of Business Publication Editors meeting in Washington, D.C.
In this session, editors will learn presentation methods beyond the straight narrative. You'll discover alternate story forms and more visual approaches to make information easy for readers to comprehend. You'll also see techniques that embrace more Web-centric, community-driven presentations. Understanding different story forms will help you to assign stories to writers in more meaningful ways. The session will use attendee's publications as visual aids. After you register for the conference, we'll tell you how to submit your publication.

Montgomery will be giving this lecture on July 17, from 3-4 p.m. at the ASBPE National Editorial Conference in Washington, D.C.

The National Editorial Conference for print publications is scheduled for July 15–17, 2009, at the Marriott Washington in Washington, D.C. The Print Azbee Awards of Excellence banquet will take place during that conference.

American Society of Business Publication Editors: Registration details.

Official Website: http://www.asbpe.org/conf/conf.htm

Added by Robb Montgomery on March 2, 2009