7th St & 1st Ave
Twin Cities, Minnesota

"...It's hard to know what to do with Akron/Family, given that they're trying things live (and on record) that absolutely no one else is doing. The closest experience I can imagine to this one would have been seeing MC5 at their peak, only not at their peak, but at the peak I imagine for them. You know, when audience members screamed themselves hoarse and then smashed Detroit as they fell in love on the way home.

If I sound hyperbolic, it's only because I don't know how else to get there. How can I convince you to see the band-in-itself when I'm still dizzy from my glimpse?" - POPMATTERS.COM

Added by fetik3 on February 26, 2006



If anyone can show me a better band then Akron/Family (that's still touring / recording), I'm all ears...

Interested 2