147 West 25th Street - 6th Floor
New York, New York 10001

Ohashi has been developing these unique techniques for more than 30 years, experimenting on his thousands of clients. From these long years of experience he has developed a way of using a Healing Scarf to effectively give relief for certain structural problems.

In this workshop he will teach and demonstrate how to use the scarf for effective treatment. Class teachings include: Cranial-cervical manipulation, Cranial Muscle-Meridian Sedation, Lumbar Muscle-Meridian Manipulation, Shoulder activation, Hip-socket activation. The information in this workshop is designed for bodywork therapists, physical therapists, doctors, yoga instructors, and of course, Ohashiatsu practitioners.

Official Website: http://www.ohashiatsu.org/us/index.php/courses-ny

Added by Ohashi Institute on September 24, 2010

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