446 Valencia at 16th
San Francisco, California 94103

Advanced Acting Workshop with Margo Hall
Mondays, October 29 - November 26, 2007
6 to 9pm

$195 ($185 for Intersection Members)

This five-week workshop is an excellent follow up to the Beginning Acting Workshop, further exploring concepts and exercises discussed there. This workshop offers refinement of physical, emotional and imaginative awareness, and a deeper emphasis on scene and monologue work from Campo Santo World Premiere plays and other contemporary writers.

(Prerequisite: Campo Santo Beginning Acting Workshop, acting experience, or permission from the instructor)

Intersection for the Arts
446 Valencia Street, SF, CA 94103

make reservations: http://theintersection.org/reservations/reservations.php

Official Website: http://www.theintersection.org

Added by Intersection on October 8, 2007

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