702 Union St
Brooklyn, New York 11215

Sponsored by Stay Free! magazine, "Adult Ed" is a monthly lecture series devoted to making useless knowledge somewhat less useless. Each month will be devoted to a given theme, and 4 or 5 speakers will address some aspect of that theme using visual aids of one stripe or another. Speakers will include writers, editors, storytellers, and amateur scholars discussing some area of their expertise.

Tonight's show, ANIMALS & SIN, is the first in our series of "hybrid" themes, where we combine two dissonant topics and ask writers to come up with a lecture that somehow manages to incorporate both.

Micro-lectures include:

Daniel Radosh: The Quest to Develop Kosher Bacon

Mikki Halpin: Sexual Violence in the Domestic Pug

Jeffrey Kastner: A Brief History of Animals on Trial

Carrie McLaren: Animal Hoarding as Social Ill: Beware the Cat Lady

with HOST Charles Star


MIKKI HALPIN is a freelance writer in Brooklyn. The author of three books, she writes about politics, culture, and human nature for magazines like Glamour, Health, Black Book, and Modern Painter.

JEFFREY KASTNER is senior editor at Cabinet magazine (http://www.cabinetmagazine.org) and a New York-based critic and journalist who writes on art and culture for publications including Artforum and the New York Times.

CARRIE McLAREN is the editor of Stay Free! magazine, a Brooklyn blogger (http://hawthornestreet.com), and founder of Monkeywire (http://monkeywire.org). Her writing has appeared in SPIN, Village Voice, Newsday, Mother Jones, TONY, and other publications.

DANIEL RADOSH (http://www.radosh.net/) is a contributing editor at Radar. His writing has appeared in McSweeney's, The New Yorker, The
New York Times, and more publications than we can count.

CHARLES STAR (HOST) (http://www.myspace.com/Charles_Star) is a Brooklyn-based comedian who has written for the Onion News Network and Stay Free! magazine. Charles hosts the comedy show Pant-Hoot on the third Tuesday of every month at Magnetic Field.

MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/adult_education

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20048821496

Added by Charles Star on December 15, 2007