801 N. 34th Street
Seattle, Washington 98103

Summer Meeting June 27, 2008 12:30pm

Happy summer days everyone!

Note #1 Daytime meetings - We are shaking things up by having our meetings during daytime hours to make it easier for everyone’s schedule, as well as soak up as much vitamin D (from sun rays) as possible for maximum brain energy.

Note #2 Captivate and beyond topics - Also, with so many other related Adobe tools that we use during projects (i.e. Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator), we are opening up our topics and presenters to all Adobe products and are considering the group to be an all inclusive Adobe Learning Group (Captivate and beyond).



12:30pm - Gordon Modin | Photoshop CS3 Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials to get you to the next level and amaze your supervisor.

Gordon’s bio: Born and raised in Seattle. Began career as a graphic designer and still photographer, but usually hired for video shooting, editing, animation, and DVD production. Started using Photoshop with version 3 and never regretted it.

1:15pm – Networking //Meet new people and exchange ideas

1:50pm - Raffle //Cool Adobe stuff


Here are a few links to keep handy.
> Participate in our social network: http://seattlelearning.ning.com/ // 100+ members and growing
> Subscribe to our blog: http://captivateseattle.com/
> Find useful articles on Adobe Captivate Dev Center: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/captivate/
> Silke Fleischer’s blog, PM for Captivate: http://blogs.adobe.com/silke.fleischer/

Official Website: http://seattlelearning.ning.com/

Added by markchrisman on June 24, 2008