San Francisco, California

Does not qualify for Recertification Credits

Today's business professionals are bombarded by information - being persistently interrupted and sidetracked, constantly dealing with competing and changing priorities, and handling an increasingly complex set of technologies. Is it still even possible to stay sane, not to mention deliver results? Absolutely! In this engaging and motivating presentation, you'll discover breakthrough insights and revolutionary techniques that tackle these core issues.

Establish fundamental practices for managing interruptions, managing your workflow, and taking control of your e-mail inbox, but most importantly tackling the challenge of competing priorities using innovative tools such as the Immediate Priorities Matrix(TM). Specifically, you'll be able to:

₩Manage interruptions and stay focused on the task on hand until meaningful results are achieved
₩Be responsive to the demands of your team and collaborate more effectively than ever before
₩Truly overcome the e-mail overload and use e-mail more effectively as a communication tool
₩Work more strategically instead of working harder and better manage competing priorities

About the Presenter
Pierre Khawand, Founder & CEO of People-OnTheGo (, has more than twenty years of experience in the software industry. He has led several technology ventures, completed successful mergers and acquisitions, and founded People-OnTheGo in 2001. His best-selling Accomplishing More With Less workshop and book enables business professionals to better cope with information overload and competing priorities. Pierre is also the author of the popular less-is-more blog. Pierre holds a Master's degree in Engineering from the University of Michigan, and has completed several Executive Education programs at the Stanford Graduate School of Management (Stanford California).

Official Website:

Added by FullCalendar on December 17, 2012

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