1089 N, Oxford
Hollywood, California 90029

MET Artistic Director L. Flint Esquerra helms a script by Benjamin Benedict. Michael Butler, whose credits include “Pope Joan,” the MET Theatre production of “Hair” and the original Broadway production of “Hair,” produces Benedict’s new comedy.

King Abe Mohammad is the deposed ruler of a Middle Eastern kingdom. One reason his foes are so angry with him is the fact of his unusual heritage: His late father was an Arab monarch, his mother an Israeli Jew. International politics also enters into things, which means it’s about money: He’s one of the richest men in the world, a billionaire.

A beautiful real estate agent finds him a haven in Hawaii. There he will be attended by a harem/staff of beautiful women and an imposing Arab bodyguard. The joint, however, is apparently haunted . . . a ghost story of sorts that lands at the MET Theatre just in time for “Halloween.” There’s plenty of laughs, intrigue, romance and plenty of sex appeal in this comedy about a royal guy with the biggest dreams in the world.

Previews Oct. 21-23, 27-29.
Opens Friday, October 30, 2009 at 8 p.m.,
Runs through December 13,
Dark Thanksgiving Weekend, Nov. 27-29.
Regular show times: Fri. & Sat. at 8, Sun. at .

Official Website: http://theMETtheatre.com

Added by cabvoltaire on October 13, 2009