1600 Montague Rd
Covington, Kentucky 41011

Looking for something different to do this Halloween? Instead of paying big bucks to visit a commercial haunted house, come to the Behringer-Crawford Museum and check out some real ghosts! From 8-10 p.m. Oct. 24, investigators from the Tri-State Paranormal Ghost Hunter Society will lead you through our history-rich, and reportedly haunted, hallways. During the tour, these professional ghost hunters will reveal any evidence they have gathered while investigating the museum, and provide possible explanations as to how it pertains to the building’s history. Visitors will also learn about other paranormal investigations in Northern Kentucky as well as the latest methods in collecting paranormal evidence and how to go about debunking alleged activity.
Bring the whole family for a spine-tingling adventure, and see the museum in a whole new light!
The cost is $5 per person and reservations are required for this hauntingly good time.
For more information on this or any other activity, please contact the museum at (859) 491-4003 or [email protected].

Official Website: http://www.bcmuseum.org

Added by BCmuseum on October 17, 2008